Back in New York

Mitchell Slepian
2 min readOct 23, 2022

The newlyweds were still enjoying their Israeli honeymoon. Anat didn’t run into her parents again. She and Dan were having a glorious time. They checked in regularly with Jerry. He was staying at Dan’s sister. He was spending time with Ben; of course, Marc and Alana were shadowing every move he made.

Anat needed him to stay safe. She was scared to leave him alone. However, she knew she needed to spend time with Dan. Anat had to get used to married life. She and Dan spent so much time together pre-wedding that she figured all would be fine.

Marc and Alana were fuming over the playoffs. Marc was madder than usual. He hoped the boys from ‘Da Bronx would take care of Houston. There is hope for a miracle. He needs to go to camp and see if he can find the Woodsman. But this might be out of his area of expertise. The Woodsman hasn’t left camp in decades. Maybe longer.

Jay was bouncing around aimlessly. He was higher than usual. He wanted to get Jerry back. He knew Diane filed for divorce. They never had a good marriage. They wed at the courthouse in the city when Diane found out she was pregnant. It was an abusive relationship. Abusive on both sides.

Jay was hurling glass as he walked along Madison Avenue. People ducked. He missed everyone. With the current crime situation, no one was surprised about a madman on the loose fighting with glass. So far, Marc, Alana, Anat, and now Jerry still fought their battles and walked off without fanfare. They hoped to keep it that way.

Marc saw Jay hurling glass along Madison Avenue. From a distance, he pelted him with pomegranate seeds. Jay went down. Marc got up close and showered him in honey. Jay screamed. No one paid attention.

Meanwhile, Jerry was at Wolfe’s Pond Park with his cousins. Some older kids were in the roller hockey rink. They weren’t playing. They were taking fentanyl. They started acting crazy. Jerry’s cousins were scared.

Jerry smacked the teens with olives. His cousins saw it but ran to their mom. They were so scared they said nothing. Jerry took out the teens. He casually walked over to the site where his aunt was grilling burgers and dogs. The fall day was now perfect. Jerry texted his mom to report his handiwork.

Anat smiled as she read Jerry’s message. Anat wrote back to be careful and be a kid.

Originally published at on October 23, 2022.

